
Early Bird Rates End

March 26,2024

Registration Fee

Category Early Bird Rate
(Before Mar. 26 )
Late Registration Rate
Site Registration Rate

RMB 3800/USD 550

RMB 4300/USD 650

RMB 4800/USD 700

RMB 3500/USD 500

RMB 4000/USD600


RMB 2700/USD 400

RMB 3000/USD 450

Student Member

RMB 2500/USD 350

RMB 2800/USD 400


Requirement of Presentation

【论文被收录至少需要一位作者以一般或者会员身份注册缴费参会】If a student need to present paper, please register as Regular or Member 

1. One Regular/Member registration is eligible to present maximum two papers with extra fee of RMB 2000/USD 250 for the second paper. Student registration cannot present papers.

2. At least one of the authors must make a Regular or Member registration by April 30, 2024 in order for their papers to be included in the program and proceedings of CIEEC 2024.

3. An additional RMB 350/USD 50 per page is required for papers over 6 pages, with a maximum of 8 pages.


Methods of payment

1. Pay the Rrgistration Fee Online

2.Pay the Rrgistration Fee by bank transfer. Our bank account information is as follows:

Overseas Account

Bank Transfer


Beneficiary Banker's Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, PRC


Beneficiary's Name: China Electrotechnical Society

Account No.:0200003609200071767

Address: 10th Floor, Tianlian Building, No.102 Lianhuachi East Road,Xicheng District, Beiing 100055, China

Phone No.:+86-10-63256960

1. Please note "CIEEC+submission ID"; if participants do not have a paper, please note "CIEEC+No Paper+Name".

2.Contact: Mr.Kun Chang,

Domestic Account

Bank Transfer


户 名: 中国电工技术学会

开户银行: 工商银行北京礼士路支行



1. 转账时请备注“CIEEC+submission ID”;无论文参会者请备注“CIEEC无论文+姓名”。

2. 转账完成后,请在点击下方注册按钮进行注册,付款方式选择银行转账,并填写完整的发票信息。增值税普通发票在会后2周内发送到您预留的电子邮箱;增值税专用发票在会后2周内寄出到您预留的地址。

3. 缴费和注册如有疑问请联系常老师 电话:010-63256923;手机:13521675643;关老师:13811582109;豆老师:18611432532 邮箱。
