Keynote Speakers


Prof. Xiaoxin Zhou



Xiaoxin Zhou, IEEE Fellow, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, International Member of US National Academy of Engineering (NAE), is currently Honorary President of China Electric Power Research Institute, Council Member of China Electrical Engineering Society, Standing Council Member of China Electrotechnical Society. He has been engaged in research on mathematical models and calculation methods for modern power system analysis for a long time. He hosted the development of China's first set of "power system analysis integrated program"(PSASP) software. He conducted the study on flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) which was implemented in the controllable series compensation project of ultra-high voltage transmission for the first time, and developed Advanced Digital Power System Simulator (ADPSS). In the research of energy and power development strategy, he proposed the concept, development mode and key technologies of the third-generation power grid. He was awarded the National Science and Technology Progress Award for three times, IEEE PES Nari Hingorani FACTS Award, and Science & Technology Progress Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation.